What is the currency in Slovenia? What is the best way to pay for purchases?

Валюта Словении  -евро

Slovenia’s official currency is the euro, so bring either euro cash or a bank (or preferably multi-currency) card. To make a payment, you can use:

  • Credit/debit card
  • cash
  • Cash Mobile apps like Google Pay
  • and other uncommon methods, for example, cryptocurrency.

Now, let’s go into more detail.

Payment by bank card

If you bring dollars or other hard currencies with you, you can always exchange them. You won’t find street exchange offices (called ‘menjalnica’ in Slovenian) like Russians are used to. However, you can exchange money at a bank, post office, train station, or Ljubljana Airport. It’s worth noting that the working hours of banks are reduced, as is common across Europe.

Therefore, it’s best to have a Euro-denominated bank card or a multi-currency card like Revolut.

best payment with card in Slovenia

Cards are accepted almost everywhere, just ask: “Ali lahko plačam s kartico?” (Ali lahko plačam s kartico?). You can use the card to pay for a cab ride, lunch in a restaurant, pay for housing (now even private property owners are now equipped with terminals and will accept your card payment). By the way, the law requires you to always take a receipt.

Is it necessary to tip at a restaurant? No, it’s not obligatory. And no one will add this item to your bill. However, if you leave a couple of coins, it will be appreciated by the waiter.

Will the amount differ when paying by card? No, the law prohibits it. However, on the other hand, when paying in cash, somewhere at the market, you may get a discount (so-called ‘gotovinski popust’). Just ask, ‘Je kaj popusta, če plačam z gotovino?’ (Is there any discount if I pay in cash?)

Do not be surprised (although it is really strange) if the waiter, who took your card for payment, asks for the PIN code (if your card does not support contactless payment). That’s how simple and straightforward it is. We’re not saying you should provide the PIN code, just letting you know that it might happen

Cryptocurrency payment

Slovenia is an advanced country when it comes cryptocurrencies: to cryptocurrencies: in some online stores, you can pay with cryptocurrency or exchange crypto at ATMs. For instance, at SkyEye ATMs located in Kranj, Medvoda, Ljubljana and its nearby areas, as well as in Krško, Brežica and Maribor. You can buy or sell Etherand Bitcoin cryptocurrencies through them at any time.

Bitcoin ATM

You can also do this through Bitnik ATMs: it installed the first Bitcoin ATMs back in 2014, which are still operational.

You can find your nearest ATM on Google Maps through the query Kriptomat orBitcoin bankomat.

Cash payment

Based on 2021 statistics, the most popular payment method in Slovenia is still cash payments: 73% were cash payments and 24% card payments. Although the situation is evolving (with 45% of transactions made by card in 2023), cash remains the predominant means of payment for now. (see the histogram below. Source ECB Europa.eu

Популярные способы оплат в Словении

So it is advised to always have paper bills and some coins in your wallet. The fact is that some older models of parking meters still only accept coins as payment.

In some cafes, especially along the coast, they might also not accept cards and suggest going to the nearest ATM to withdraw cash. So it’s always better to check before ordering if they accept card payments.

Cash payment limits

Are there any restrictions on cash payments for individuals?

Yes. As of January 1, 2022, the limit for Slovenian citizens is 1000 euros.

However, for foreign tourists (even if they are citizens of the EU and the European Economic Area), this limit is 15,000 euros.

Are mixed payments possible?

Yes, “mixed’ payments remain allowed, covering the entire amount partially using traceable payment systems (ATMs, cards, bank transfers, etc.), and partially in cash. For example, a bill totaling 1900 euros: 900 euros in cash, 1000 euros by card. For example a bill totaling 1900 euros: 900 euros in cash, 1000 euros by card.

Наличные оплаты в Словоении

Withdrawal Fees

ATM withdrawal fees can sometimes be very high. In any case, the ATM will display the fee amount on the screen, and the transaction will only proceed after your confirmation.

The good news is that in banks or post offices, you can withdraw amounts exceeding 1000 euros.

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